On Monday the 23rd f March, I was looking at some pictures of a dear friend of mine, named Ms. Sharon. I saw her picture of her seeds in dixie cups! So there it hit me! I love home grown cucumbers eat the mall the time, and probablly the only healthiest snack/food I LOVE!
So on Tuesday the 24th of March Sharon had Abbey, Laura and her mom over, to craft/scrapbook. So I asked Sharon when you could start a garden, when to plant them and so on! Sharon gave me a few books and magazines to look throught what would be good vegetables to grow in pots when the time is right to plant. After looking through some of the books, and reading some amazing fasinated paragraphs!! And asking Sharon numerous questions, which I all got answered and knew a lot more about how to lant a seed into a pot and so on! I got super excited and wanted to plant my garden ight then and there! Well Sharon ofcourse said it isn't the season and that the vegetables would die :-( because last year we had our last frost so late, and thats what kills plants if you plantyour seeds to early!! But Sharon did say that I could start a herb garden anytime, this got me excited!!So afyer that comment I decided to start my own herb garden!!
After Laura's mom left I kind of advised everyone that we should all go to Ikea! To get some pots, for my herb garden! Everyone agreed and we hopped in my car, and off we were to Ikea. Once we got there everyone was very hungry and our good friend Sharon got us all some meatballs, boy are they good!!
Once our tummy's were filled we went on to the plant section. Abbey, and myself bought some pots, I bought 8 pots all for 29 cents EACH! I also bought two 1.5 lbs little bags of stones. Once everyone was done shopping we were on our way back to Sharon's for more crafting. I made a page but couldn't contain my excitement to start my herb garden. I so badely wanted to buy my seeds I bought them that night with Abbey.
I purchased numerous of seeds, I bought; rosemary, chives, parsley, garlic (from Abbey's house), and Basil. I also bought pepper, green bean seeds. Abbey and I also bought an 8 quarte seeds soil ( I believe), we also bougth tea peats or something like that, "its biodegradable and the plants love it" thats what Abbey said, so I said sure why not. We both got a little plastic tray to pot al of our pots on so the tray would hold the water, and extra dirt. Abbey and I spend about an hour and a half, when I droped off Abbey at around 9 pm ish.
Once I droped of Abbey, I was so excited about all the supplies I bought, and the different seeds I was ready to start my herb garden! But on Tuesday's my mom bowls at Novi bowl so I knew I had to stop by! Although I had so much excitetment about starting my little garden, I was so worn out, I manged to fall asleep.
Me proudly pushing my pots to the car!